By Sunday night I was grasping for time to get at least the inner frame completed with a few little extra bits. But in the end I have just a couple more things to do.
I also went through and painted the pistons/actuators in a silver Gundam marker i do like it because the silver shows up quite well, then I went over that in a black wash just to get in any crevices. But the black wash dulled the silver down abit although it gave the silver a kind of greasy look so I was quite happy about that. I I want to get a gold marker for the White Ogre so that I can do silver and gold pistons I think that will look quite cool.
The detailing of the foot is really great and I love how the foot pistons are visible when the toe part bends. there are a lot of small pieces in the foot but it holds quite sturdy.
I have only had a small play with the flexibility and articulation of the frame so not a lot playtime with this to see what posses I can get it into but I have heard it can be put in most posses that the human body can do which is pretty damn good.
I also went tor the alternate commander fin on top of the head it just looks the best in my opinion I am considering modifying in the alternate "bald" head armour to something like a Roman crest just because I quite like mash ups or where a pilot has customized their machine a lot to suit their personal flair.
Oh and a final note don't follow the instructions when it says to cut the ball looking part from the nose pipe sections. I didn't the first one and just didn't sit in securely in snout intake. I will put up a few pictures up in my next post.
Until next time :)
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