First post Biyaaaaa!!
So this is my first ever post on my blog. This blog is mostly only for myself as a kind of diary of my journey through Gunpla and Gundam things with maybe a bit of philosophy and stuff mixed in. But i will also be doing a couple of tutorials if anyone find this and is interested in them and if I ever get Alzheimer's disease I can still go back over and find them (that's if I remember where the blog is).
Anyway this was the first kit I did the 1/144 scale HGUC Z'Gok. I just wanted a cheap kit to start with that way if I ballsed it up it was no loss. Initially I was only going to buy a couple of kits and mostly amphibious ones at that but that has obviously escalated. I bought some camo decals as well from HiQ parts which were cool but be careful with these as they done htave any adhisive on the back so oyu have to use a setter as well as a softner. but over all they are pretty durable decals. Oh and another warning make sure you read the description because the decals I used were supposed to be for kits that were white or a light blue because they were a bit transparent.
Anyway the kit came out ok for a straight build with some seam line removal and a topcoat so I was pretty happy :) (Please don't criticize me on my nub marks just yet, they do get better)
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