Well I haven't posted in a few days which has just been down to me being slack which i shouldn't do. Anyway heaps has happened and I mean HEAPS. I did some more decals on the MG Char's Z'gok (which will put some pictures up in this post), I received new loot (Which I will put up in my next post). And I finally was able to grab the ever elusive "White Ogre" Zaku 2.0, I have seen it in stock 5 times in the last month or 2 but I finally ordered it and hopefully I don't miss out for a sixth time. I don't even know why I am getting so riled up about trying get my hands on it, its only a standard J type Zaku in a white colour with a small extra runner of special parts. I guess its just the name and the look maybe that I like the most :).
But on with the show and here are some update pictures of my Char's Z'Gok.
So there are a few more caution decals around the feet and the chest area and a few more I think on the fore arms. Oh and a small Zeon symbol on the, I guess you could call it reactor access hatch on the waist plate with some other caution/information decals.
There is a Zeon symbol on the chest plate that I will take off though just because I think its a bit overboard with the on the waist plate.
The back of the kit I think I am real happy about I think it has the right amount of decals on it for me anyway. I quite like the large script decals on the back of the hydro thrusters I think from what i could read it mentions maintenance and a few other things which I thought was quite fitting for it.
I have a few more decals to put on the segmented parts of the arms and legs. Just some small ones nothing too large. I am sort of wondering if I should still put panel lines between the notch parts on the segments just make them look like 2 pieces of armor.
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